Online DTP & Design Services
 P R I N T P U B L I S H I N G » Service offers print design of various document creations for print production such as ads, logos, business cards, brochures, flyers, newsletters, etc., including printing supervision & service bureau file preparation. |
 D I G I T A L I M A G I N G » Service offers image / photo editing and design of various image creations for print or web production such as element designs, illustrations, color corrections, photo colorizations & restorations, etc., including image / photo scanning. |
 W E B P U B L I S H I N G » Service offers web design of various document creations and functions for website production such as html pages, pdf documents, submit forms, slide shows, shopping carts, etc., including search engine optimization (seo) and website maintenance & updating. |
 I N T E R N E T R E S E A R C H » Service offers online research assistance to locate, gather and document compile data resource information topics for print and web used in articles, databases, html pages, pdf documents, reports, spreadsheets, etc., including internet, phone, or in-person local searching. |
 C A M P A I G N M A R K E T I N G » Service offers various types of applied marketing strategies for print and web to enhance service or product awareness for campaign advertising such as ads, articles, blogs, e-news, social media, and direct mail pieces including content writing and campaign management. |
DTP & Design Service Request Request desktop publishing & design services via online form.
DTP & Design Service Rates Available by project estimate for different dtp services offered.
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How Our DTP Rates Work
TechLand Creations offers competitive market rates and will work with you to achieve affordable project costs while achieving fair compensation for services rendered.
Desktop publishing and design services are offered by quoting a detailed itemized project Service Estimate. Our estimates itemize individual tasks and detail the realm of duties in each task. We quote the exact work input so that we can offer the best suited estimate and costs for your project requirements.
Our service rates assigned below depend upon the scope of service tasks involved in a project as each project differs in size and level of tasking. Our Service Estimate categorizes the overall project task level at low, medium, or high. The project task level aids in assigning a fixed hourly task rate for production tasks to be performed.
Most projects generally have one fixed hourly task rate assigned per project, however, some projects require applying more than one fixed hourly task rate per project. These types of projects may include more than one service being utilized at the same time with extensive differences in levels of tasking.
Hourly rates, task times, and itemized tasks will be quoted within the Service Estimate. Service rates apply $5 hourly rate increments for each increased level of service tasking. Partial work hours are rounded to nearest 15 minute increment upon project invoicing.
PRINT PUBLISHING - $15 to $35 per hour
DIGITAL IMAGING - $15 to $35 per hour
WEB PUBLISHING - $15 to $35 per hour
INTERNET RESEARCH - $15 to $35 per hour
CAMPAIGN MARKETING - $15 to $35 per hour
(Above rates are subject to change in accordance to actual project needs and budget. Some tasks may be lower in overall cost once a total project quote is completed.)
Currently offering flat rate Web Specials for basic 3-5 page websites! Also offering, special economic rates for other projects and tasks.
Please inquire about these rates and our competitive Web Special package designed to promote an affordable website while providing advantages of cost savings and quality work.
Our Web Specials also include service for bonus website maintenance costs within the first year after project completion. And, for those who would like to do website self-maintenance, we offer the optional use of a Content Management System (CMS) to utilize with a preferred hosting provider. Please inquire about this option if it may be suitable for you so we can custom design your website for compatibility.
We also offer special rates for non-profits such as education and organizations along with reduced costs for certain production tasks for stricter project budgets. Please inquire about these special rates. We always offer free project consulting along with flexible payment schedules.
Added Expenses:
Additional expenses are separate from hourly task service rates such as postal mailings, delivery services, transport disks, print center costs, etc. Added expenses with actual receipt costs will be itemized upon project invoicing.
Website Extras are offered free for full website publishing orders. Photo and image scanning (excluding OCR scanning) are offered free for all desktop publishing orders except for orders that are scanning specific.
Please Note: We understand that not every dtp presentation requires inclusion for Creatership acknowledgement citing of TechLand Creations, please let us know if you require an Omit Agreement.
You may request our dtp services via our DTP & Design Service Request form. If TechLand Creations can be of service to you, please contact us with your project request! Technical assistance for creative publishing — "dtp with TLC" !